About the Center

The Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health (CTECH) pursues research and innovation to support sustainable mobility of people and goods while preserving the environment and improving community health. It leverages behavioral and economic sciences, epidemiology, information technology, and environmental and transportation sciences and technologies to address critical issues falling under the FAST Act’s priority area of Preserving the Environment: greenhouse gas reduction, use of alternative fuels and energy technologies, environmentally responsible planning, and impacts of freight movement.

CTECH leverages the existing strength of partner universities to create an innovative, multidisciplinary education program capable of training a workforce that meets the complex challenges at the intersection of transportation, environment, and community health. Beyond the multidisciplinary curriculum designed in parallel with its research, the center administers CTECH pre-college programs to attract motivated undergraduates and high school seniors to transportation, particularly from underrepresented groups. CTECH pursues a wide range of technology transfer activities, from annual meetings to community events. Its strong organizational structure, advisory boards consisting of stakeholder representatives, and dedication to ongoing rigorous evaluation of its performance helps to ensure program efficacy.

Through multi-level, multidisciplinary and institutional collaborations, CTECH aims to advance transportation sustainability in its broader human and environmental contexts.

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